



MBA是一个36学时的学位,要求13门核心课程和5门选修课. 每门研究生课程为两个学时. 你可以在21个月内完成学位, 但, 平均, 我们的学生在两年半的时间内完成课程.


Elective courses for all graduate business and nonprofit degrees can be chosen from the wide range of choices available in the 商学院 and 非营利组织管理. 下面列出的核心课程不能算作选修课. 你可以通过选修学分完成研究生商业或非营利证书.



点击下面的课程名称阅读该课程的描述. 要获得所有SBNM项目和课程的完整列表,请查看学术目录.

This course develops an understanding of human behavior in changing organizations and the managerial awareness, 提高效率的工具和方法. 本课程探讨个人和团体在工作中的原则和理论, 满足需求的动机、互动驱动和过程, organization strategies for effectively utilizing people and creating the environment to achieve 目标s of people and companies. The course also examines ethical issues and the rational integration of ethical thinking and decision-making in competitive organizations. 团队的新模式, organization structure and organizational development practices are studied as the product of today's transforming organizations.

This course examines the importance of ethical 领导 and decision-making to the success of high performance organizations. 从不同的角度审视道德问题, 利用多种伦理问题类型进行分析, 以及通过应用一些决策格式确定的可能结果. Frameworks for ethics and 领导 are assessed and interpreted in light of the 领导 behaviors in a number of ethically challenging situations. 最后, 学生将评估自己的道德领导力观点,并制定领导力发展计划.

财务会计培养学生阅读和分析公司财务报表的能力. The course is oriented toward the user of financial accounting data and emphasizes the reconstruction of economic events from published accounting reports. 提出了会计模型, 审查用于财务报告的会计准则, 并考虑它们对管理决策的影响. 会计在计划中的作用, 决策, 控制, 绩效评估是本课程的管理重点. An examination of the ethical issues encountered when making accounting decisions is undertaken throughout the course. 在财务会计能力的在线测试将要求作为课程的一部分.

Managerial accounting takes an internal decision-oriented approach and examines the information requirements of various techniques and planning models. The course emphasizes the solution of particular types of problems and the structural evolution of costing systems for management planning and 控制. 它涵盖了管理人员用于几个目的的会计数据:产品成本和收入的确定, 例行的短期决策, 基本政策形成, 以及对组织各项活动的控制. Stress is placed on the design of accounting systems aimed at encouraging ethical behavior consistent with top-management 目标s.

鉴于不断增长的, 国际经济之间复杂的相互依存关系, this course is intended to give business and nonprofit organizational leaders an understanding of how to better manage 操作 in the context of supply, 需求, 竞争, 全球市场中的经济和贸易政策. 该课程将侧重于宏观经济主题,如国内生产总值, income and employment and combine them with absolute and comparative advantage theories that drive the continuous need for international trade. 全球经济主题, 比如IS-LM模型, cultural comparisons and foreign trade policy will help form the fluidity of both domestic and international business interactions from both diverse and Christian ethical perspectives.

在本课程中, 学生们探索经济基本原理, 比如稀缺性, 供求关系, 商业周期, 弹性和生产力, 影响企业和非营利组织的计划和行为. 真实世界的例子用于将内容应用于专业环境. 另外, 关注伦理困境和道德责任,伴随着管理一个公司.

This course challenges students to prioritize and execute on their fiduciary responsibilities to first and foremost provide sufficient returns to investors. 课程内容包括预测财务报表, 创建净现值估值模型, 企业最优资本结构的确定, 通过估值确定公司价值. Particular attention is paid to the tension between the fiduciary responsibility and the ethical ramifications of focusing on shareholder returns. 案例研究用于将内容应用于专业背景. 作为课程的一部分,将要求对使用Excel的能力进行在线测试.

本课程涵盖公司财务的理论与实务, 特别是运用金融理论解决实际问题. 主题包括投资,或资本预算决策和融资决策. 本课程也帮助财务经理决定投资多少, 投资什么资产啊, 以及如何筹集必要的资金. 它包括股利政策的研究, 债务政策, 风险管理, 以及其他形式的债务. 本课程涵盖财务规划, 短期借款渠道, 流动资产的管理, 以及应收账款的管理. 道德行为的作用被纳入金融市场的研究, 在财务管理方面也是如此. 金融模型将在整个课程中使用个人电脑解决. 作为课程的一部分,将要求对金融能力进行在线测试.

The objective of this course is to develop quantitative and statistical thinking and problem solving skills. 主题包括一般问题解决, 基本概率模型, 线性回归, 预测, 线性规划, 和库存管理模型. 对于每个主题,每周课程活动都有分析和管理部分. 在分析方面,定量问题必须使用Excel来解决. 从管理角度看, online discussions and papers are assigned with the intent to explore and consider how these quantitative tools are used in business as well as understanding both their benefits and limitations. An online test of competency in statistics and quantitative foundations will be required as a part of the course.

本课程介绍市场营销的实质和程序方面, 提高批判性分析思维的技能, 促进有效的沟通. Basic concepts examined include marketing in a changing world; creating customer value and satisfaction; strategic planning and the marketing process; the marketing environment; marketing research and information systems; consumer markets and consumer buyer behavior; business markets and business buyer behavior; measuring and forecasting 需求; market segmentation, 针对, 以及竞争优势的定位. 对市场调查数据的使用和潜在滥用的伦理关切贯穿于课程之中.

注重企业内部的相互作用, 政府, 非营利部门, this course will address the issues and current trends in corporate social responsibility and sustainability. 探索社会、环境和经济效益的三重底线. 涵盖的主题包括:可持续性, 公私伙伴关系, 企业在气候变化中的作用, 供应链责任, 利益相关方参与, 公益与社会营销, 环保责任, 社会责任投资, 可持续发展报告, 透明度, 还有人权.

本课程涵盖了商业层面和企业层面战略的核心基础. 本课程旨在介绍各种各样的现代战略框架和方法, 包括, 任务, 目标, 战略制定, 战略实施与战略评价. 战略技术包括行业分析, 竞争环境分析, SWOT分析. 所涵盖的其他主题包括战略思维, 竞争优势, 纵向和横向整合, 全球/国际战略, 以及战略实施主题,包括组织, 操作, 领导, 和文化. The outcome of this class is a foundation for understanding the strategies and analytics tools needed to develop and improve a firm's 竞争优势, 制定公司战略, 创造质量, 合理的商业决策. Case studies are used as the primary teaching method in this course to understand the frameworks/methodologies and gain a perspective on their application.

This course brings together disciplines students have encountered during the North Park SBNM MBA program. 培养学生对商业计划和战略的综合理解, using a computer-based management simulation (Capstone Business Simulation) to plan and test strategies in a competitive environment. 凯普斯通是围绕一个建筑群建造的, multi-round simulation game that requires students to integrate concepts and tools from much of the MBA curriculum. 学生团队将在需要融资的市场环境中竞争, 投资, 定价, 生产, 产品的选择, 通道, 以及营销决策. 供应链关系需要与其他团队协商. 团队内部的任务分配需要有效的团队合作和管理. 历史数据将为建模和统计分析提供基础. 另外, 关注伦理困境和道德责任,伴随着管理一个公司. The class will culminate in presentations to a panel of judges who will evaluate each company for potential acquisition based on accumulated cash flow, 未来利润潜力, 持续竞争优势, 管理层的领导能力.